I added the branch "NODEMCU_74HC595" branch that uses a NodeMCU, 74HC595 ShiftRegister and an 8Ch 5V Relay board. Since the WiFi connectitivity was quite poor I added an external antenna.

Assure that the Adapter is set to 3.3V (in case it supports also 5V).IO15 Button 3 3.3V (IO15 has an external pull down resistor on the board!).IO0 Button 2 GND (IO0 has an external pull up resistor on the board!).Wiring: ESP12F_Relay_X4 Button Powering:.It's also important to use a rechargeable battery LIR2332! Since this is a 5V module it's important to remove the pull up resistors (5V!) on SDA and SCL. Current sensing is not supported (disabled on the OLED display).RF Transmitter not supported yet (GPIO10 could be used).Sensor 1 and 2 are not supported yet (GPIO1 and GPIO3 could be used).Only 4 sprinkler stations are supported (no support for Zone Expander).4 OpenSprinkler station, controlled by the board relays.See also ESP12F_Relay_X4_Schema.pdf Supported Features: The three relay pins have been mapped out on the circuit board: CO (change-over), NO (normally-open), NC (normally closed). To run with an inexpensive 4 Channels Relay Module AC/DC ESP-12F Development Board (a.k.a. I just used a pi Zero W running opensprinkler along with a relay board to control my irrigation system. Mini-Relay (Advanced Topic) OSBo v1.1 has an on-board 250VAC / 3A mini-relay, which can be used for general-purpose switching, such as opening garage doors, switching landscape lighting. This Firmware is a slightly modified variant of the original OpenSprinkler firmware OpenSprinkler-Firmware for 4 Channels Relay Boards with ESP-12F