Major Benton was the chief ordnance officer at the Confederate garrison in Galveston, and the flag is believed to have flown there. The flag is inscribed with the name Major Chas. It is made of cotton and can easily be damaged by weather. TSLAC 306-4067 is an enormous version of the Stainless Banner, measuring 69 x 145 inches (approximately six feet by twelve feet). A Army post is a military position held away from the permanent base. A Army garrison is a permanent army base. Garrison flag 20 feet hoist by 36 feet fly. The burial flag is not suitable for outside display because of its size and fabric. STANDARD MILITARY SIZE’s of FLAGS per original US Government and military regulations. It is furnished only to very important posts, or those having large garrisons, and is hoisted only on gala days and great occasions. Description-A buff flag on which is centered the shoulder sleeve. VA Form 27-2008 provides the correct method for displaying and folding the flag. army the garrison flag is the national flag, and is 36 feet fly and 20 feet hoist. These flags offer the fullest visual effect for display and are made for indoor display. garrison flag noun Save Word Definition of garrison flag : the largest size of national flag used by the U.S. The proper way to display the flag depends upon whether the casket is open or closed. However, some veterans' organizations or other community groups may be able to help you get another flag. We cannot replace it if it is lost, destroyed, or stolen. The law allows us to issue one flag for a veteran's funeral. They will assist you in completing the necessary forms for obtaining your flag. Generally, the funeral director will help you obtain the flag. For those VA national cemeteries with an Avenue of Flags, families of veterans buried in these national cemeteries may donate the burial flags of their loved ones to be flown on patriotic holidays. Flag Information: This is the 33 star flag that flew over the garrison at Fort Sumter, SC at the time of its bombardment by Confederate troops on April 12 & 13. The stars, measuring 10 inches across, are shown in five rows of 7-8-8-8-7, with the stars all lined up vertically (not staggered as in the modern flag), the extra stars in the rows of eight being in the hoist.

When there is no next-of-kin, VA will furnish the flag to a friend making request for it. The Army garrison flag was 20 x 36 feet, with the canton (union) extending 1/3 of the fly. Generally, the flag is given to the next-of-kin, as a keepsake, after its use during the funeral service. Who Is Eligible to Receive the Burial Flag?